The Power of Authenticity
Be exactly who you are.
Your best marketing tool is YOU!
I love the photo above because it speaks volumes to me. It feels like some kind of extension of who I am. I can almost feel the breeze in the air and ground beneath me as I look at the picture. That’s my vibe - water and mountains.
As I am on this journey with my marketing business, I practice the advice I give my clients in consultations. The “tips” and “tricks” work in every setting - be it sales, nonprofit, or making friends - because it’s real. At least, it should be.
I am highly convinced that people are sick of marketing ploys. We have seen it all and don’t respond to it like we used to. There are a lot of statistics that will show the effectiveness of things like pop-ups on websites; however, there’s also conflicting reports that suggest the frustration these tactics employ on customers is not worth it in the end.
Personally, I can’t handle inauthentic, fake garbage. I told my friends for years that there was no way I could ever be in sales - the assumption being that sales people are a bunch of liars.
The truth is, everyone is always selling something. Maybe you’re selling that pb&j sandwich to your tired toddler. Maybe you’re selling a friend on the latest grilling tool you love. Maybe you’re selling yourself to a potential partner. It took me years to see it and agree with it. In the end, “selling” isn’t the word I prefer. I prefer something along the lines of “providing.”
Your product or service provides something for others - convenience, health, transportation, relaxation, nutrition, entertainment, enjoyment, eduction, etc. Without you, they don’t have that provision. You can feel confident in what you do…and who you are.
People respond to authenticity. I would wager that 10 out of 10 times, a customer would rather you be honest with them than try to trick them into giving up their hard-earned dollars. The question shouldn’t be, “how many people can I scam today?” The question should be, “how do I show my potential and returning customers that I am the one they want to buy from?”
When people have a clear understanding of who you are and the quality of what you do, they will choose you.
If you want to separate yourself from your competition, you don’t want to look like them. So distinguish yourself by showing off your strengths and unique qualities.
One of my favorite things to do is help business owners uncover their strengths and what makes them unique. I haven’t met an uninteresting business owner yet.
I encourage you to lean in to what makes you unique. Don’t tell me that nothing about you is unique. Like individual snowflakes, no two people are the same. Our experiences, preferences, skillsets, quirks, and so much more combine to create something unlike the store owner next to you.
You have a lot to offer. Don’t doubt it. Show it.
If you need some help, I’m here to make that message clear.